Category Archives: Poems

Ode To Stretch Marks

My heart was filled with joy as the one line turned to two,

My husband and I began to spread the word of the baby who was due.

As days went on the pregnancy glow soon lost its shine,

My whole body was swollen, my fingers, face, feet, even my behind!

My skin felt so tight, so itchy, and so stretched,

I became  more clumsy and ungraceful; I began to stress.

I applied the fancy oils, the lotions, and the creams;

In hopes of boasting “No stretch marks!” Which the thought of made me scream.

I woke up one morning and what do you think appeared?

Long red and purple icky lines inching down my ever-widening rear!

I shuddered at the sight and gloomily went on about my day,

When undressing I was embarrassed, I ordered my hubby to look the other way.

Soon, the blessings of the baby came, and years after her two more,

The love in my heart was spilling over for the children I adore.

I get lost in the love of those kids when they offer me their embrace,

I reflect on bringing them into the world, and how the stretch marks, aren’t that bad of a disgrace.

The scars were formed upon my body so I could be a mother,

To share the special bond with my children, to show how to love one another.

As children do, they grow with time and with it memories are made,

The scars upon my skin have silvered and softened, time had made them fade.

The fading reminds me of how quickly time seems to disappear,

It seems like yesterday I was holding a newborn with fresh stretch marks on my rear.

The day will soon come when they go out on their own to make  their own start;

I will be at peace at home, forever thankful for the stretch marks on my skin, and the stretch marks on my heart.

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God has blessed me with such an important role,

I am known as “Mother” to three tender souls.

The joy I have received from each of my children,

They have taught me how to grow and how to listen.

One sweet soul has taught me how to be a friend,

Another,  has taught me the importance of patience, this still, with no end.

My youngest has taught me the importance of a legacy,

How God’s love must be spread by my husband and by me.

I pray that as I travel down this road called motherhood,

That God will direct my paths, as I do what I should.

I pray for the eagerness and strength to try,

I pray that I will know what to do when I comfort my child’s cry.

I pray for forgiveness for the things I have done wrong,

I pray that each of my children will continue to grow strong.

Help me take the time to keep you in my sight,

Help me remember to pray, morning, noon, and night.

Guide me Father, as I guide my children to your throne,

And thank you so much for my babies, my husband, and my home.

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